Religious Education

Sacrament Preparation

Our parish follows the diocesan requirements of a full two year preparation for the sacraments. If your child is older and has not yet been Baptized or made his/her First Communion, contact the Religious Education office for details about their specific preparation.

First Communion - Guidelines and Safety Procedures
Provided by the Diocese of Joliet

Helping Your Child Prepare to Receive First Communion During this Pandemic

Primera Comunión - Directrices y Procedimientos de Seguridad Proporcionado por la Diócesis de Joliet.

Aayudar a su hijo a prepararse para recibir la Primera Comunión durante esta pandemia

Parent Guide

Guide Understanding & Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Guia Para Padres

Comprendiendo y Previniendo el Abuso Sexual en los Nino/as

We can be reached by phone or via e-mail
Nos puede contactar por teléfono o correo electrónico

Important Documents (TBA)

(Coming  Soon)

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